Friday, October 28, 2016


Halloween themes are here!!

   For those of you who do not know... HALLOWEEN IS MY FAVORITE HOLIDAY! I have already spent like 40,000 sc on outfits so I thought I'd share them with you since I'm pretty proud of them <3 

 So the one above is obviously a mummy, this one isn't my favorite but I thought it'd be fun to do.

 This one is a zombie with some style, I absolutely love the slime green in the outfit that makes it pop!

 This one is more of a demon or devil, I really wanted to use the hair and thought this would be perfect.

 This one is a classy vampire, I made it after seeing the Mavis (from Hotel Transylvania) hair.

 This one is a calaca in honor of Dia De Los Muertos. I am personally not Hispanic but I just love the holiday!

 This one is a skeleton with some style.

 With all of these crazy clown sightings, why not make a costume?

This one is the spider queen, I saw the dress with the web like design and just knew I had to do this.

 I love this hat and thought this dress was the most witch-like so I paired them together.

This last costume is my most recent. Her skin is darker because I thought the skin I had before in the costumes above was too orangey and unattractive.

Who is Mintka?!

While my <3Luvv<3 account was locked, I decided to create a backup VIP account just incase <3Luvv<3 was deleted. Mintka is my current account since my other one ran out of VIP so I've been focusing on Mintka as my main. I'm planning of posting pictures of my son but saying he's my nephew or cousin since telling the truth will get me in trouble. My Mintka account doesn't have many friends so feel free to friend her! 


Good news,

   I'M NOT QUITTING! YAY! I'm planning on making several posts over the next few days to fill everyone in on how my life is and just MSP in general. This post in particular is just to share that I won't be quitting or deleting my account. I appreciate the several people who read my blog and actually messaged me on MSP and begged me not to quit <3 Y'all are the best!