Possibly Quitting
Hey guys,
It looks like I may have to quit/change accounts. I am locked out of my account for this week and I honestly have no idea why, I suspect it was due to this conversation (below) and the user reporting me because of my age (I'm 18).

I will more then likely create a new account and just move all of my stuff over :( I won't bring up my son, marriage, or age in order to make sure I'm not locked out again or deleted. I'll be creating my new account probably next week and begin moving all of my stuff over. It's gonna take a while because of the gift limit so I'm going to start ASAP.
I honestly feel like a part of me is dying, I was truthful in MSP regarding my identity because I wasn't scared of what others thought and because I had always gotten such positive comments from all of you but I see now that maybe honesty (in this instance) isn't the best policy.
Seriously. It's like you're saying "Hey, I know your upset and all but can I have everything you own?" which to me is just offensive and hurtful.
I don't want to start from scratch and create a new account but it's either that or I quit MSP all together and as mentioned in the conversation above, this is a hobby and I genuinely enjoy it. You're welcome to friend my new account once it's created just please don't mention any of my personal life in my GB. I love all of you and wish it didn't have to be like this but life happens and this is just part of it.
All that off my chest, does anyone have a username suggestion? Please don't put numbers in it, it drives me crazy. I have several backup accounts so I may use one of those, either way I will post my new user and continue this blog under a different username or make a new blog and leave a link to it in a future post on here.
Thank you so much for the support!
she dont even know what she talking about -.- there is no age limit i bet older ppl play this and know one care's its just a game but i hope you don't quit ;((