Guess what this post is about? That's right! Cancer!
First of all, no. I do not have cancer. This little post is dedicated to all of the terrible people on MSP who claim to have cancer in order to get pity presents, greets, and likes. Below are just a few of MANY artbooks that people have made to lure kind people into giving them stuff. I have highlighted (underlined for the ones where highlights wouldn't show) the evidence of multiple people trying to guilt others. I have kept their usernames out of it so that people don't go after them. I am doing this so that people see that not EVERYONE is trustworthy or honest.
Before we start off on our little journey of exposing liars and scammers, I just want to be 100 for a second. My mother had ovarian cancer before I was born, she went through chemo, she went through hours of treatment and even had surgery to remove grape-sized growths that had developed in her uterus. It was so far progressed that the removed growths filled a 2 liter bottle of soda! She's all healed up and her cancer is gone so she made a full recovery. My grandma is currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer (great genetics, right?) and is going bold from the chemo. I've SEEN real cancer. It's a serious issue which is why it p*sses me off so much when greedy people do this and treat it like a sure-fire way to guilt people into giving them things.
Ok, with all of that off of my chest, let's go on a little scammer hunt:I know that the one above is hard to see so I'll tell you what it is saying in the highlighted area. "Every love is one dollar in medicine. If this ab reaches the top board I will give a few lucky commenters something from their wishlist, but only if its the top artbook.". A dollar in medicine? Really?! What the hell is that supposed to mean? Again, this person is begging for likes.
This artbook ^ is asking for help to reach level 15, sounds normal right? When it says she wants a lot of clothes and stuff so that her sister can have the account when she dies and then ends the AB saying "Please gift me some cute clothes and stuff like that it would meen the world to me" Really? Another user asking for stuff on a VIDEO GAME to cheer them up! SHE'S LYING!
This one is one of my favorites! She's pretty much saying "I have cancer... I want gifts, a boyfriend, and VIP". She literally made a list of demands. No touchy music video like the others! No details. Her avatar isn't sad OR crying and she's pointing to herself because it's all about her and what she wants.
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